<The story of the meta cube>

Told in the words of Edmund T. Cartogra, Professor of Theorysical Metaphetics at Angstrom University in Oslo, Norway.

Following is the opening introduction of my ongoing research into the Chi'ti cave paintings that led to the discovery of the meta cube.

As my research develops, I plan to post more of my findings here.

"The Story of the Meta Cube"

Part 1: "The Story of the Meta Cube, Part 1"

Introduction: "The Story of the Meta Cube" is a translation of "The Secret of the Meta Hedron," a story told in meta glyphs in Chi'ti cave paintings in Tanzania. The Chi'ti were long thought, based on scant evidence, to be nothing more than an obscure pre-historic African tribe of cat-worshipers. Reports came to me in early 2015 of evidence that they had an advanced number system, and so I set out with my team to investigate. What we found was nothing short of amazing!

We stumbled upon the cave we now name "The Meta Cave" in 2017. At first we hardly understood what we were looking at. The cave walls were covered in an intricate mesh of unfamiliar shapes. The shapes branched off at every angle on every surface, tessellating the whole cave. On closer inspection, many of the shapes were found to be composed of smaller, identical shapes, and those of smaller shapes still, ad infinitum. We had discovered, it seemed, an ancient fractal drawing!

But that was not all. Depending on the angle of the light shined on the cave walls, the shapes moved and transformed! By taking a step back, and shining the light just right, you could see depth in the pictures. They were not just fractal, but holographic! The pictures depicted people, and places, and myserious events and objects that we did not understand. The cave paintings told a story. We did not know it then, but the story of the cave is the mythological history of the Chi'ti, "The Secret of the Meta Hedron."

It took several months of grueling cryptographic work to decipher the paintings. In the process, we discovered that the numeralogical system of the Chi'ti was integral to their language and culture. The paintings kept coming back to the shape of a cube. They contained, in fact, explicit details for building the meta cube. As it turned out, the meta cube was itself the key to deciphering the rest of the cave paintings. And having built the meta cube, we have now unlocked the meaning of the rest of the paintings. I feel confident now that we understand the story well enough to give these details.

"The Secret of the Meta Hedron" names itself "the secret of the meta hedron," and identifies the shapes that compose the paintings as meta glyphs. They are not just an alphabet, but a number system as well. The story tells how the Chi'ti learned the meta glyphs from beings who they name the Myriad. The story opens like this: "This story is a work of fiction passed down to the Chi'ti people by our ancestors, the people from the future who we call the Myriad."

The story goes on like that, naming parts of itself fictional and mythological. And referring to the Myriad as people from the future, but also in their own past. When the tale discusses the Myriad, it gives their overall characteristics but also mentions they are shapeshifters and reality-manipulators. They travel back and forward through time with ease. They might also be able to make fictional things real, and insert themselves into fictions, although the story is ambiguous on this point.

The Chi'ti call the Myriad ancestors, but they do not say they are blood related. They are perhaps more accurately named caretakers. According to the story, the Myriad were caretakers for the actual ancestors of the Chi'ti. But the Myriad regarded the Chi'ti as their family, and Chi'ti children as their own children. And when the Myriad departed our reality, they gifted the Chi'ti with the knowledge of the meta hedron.

The meta hedron was an object used by the Myriad to manipulate time and space, and to travel between realities. Its representation in "the secret of the meta hedron" is always a cube, but the meta cube is one small part of the meta hedron. The Chi'ti understood how to build the meta cube. They built many meta cubes. They used them for education and entertainment. And maybe by using the meta cube, some of the Chi'ti transcended our reality and joined the Myriad.

And that is the introduction to my account of building the meta cube. The details of how to build the meta cube can be learned by studying the cube itself. More about that, and more of my research into the Chi'ti and the Myriad will come as it develops.

I can use your help! In order to sell the meta cube, first I have to raise money to patent it (in its current incarnation). I am looking for investors and philanthropists who are willing to make donations of $100 or more to buy a meta cube. Please contact me and we can discuss the details.

The meta cube, and all meta cube artwork is property of Juggler Ted (Ted Bowen). All rights reserved.